Butterfly Muffin Tin Snack and Themed Bath

Butterfly theme week is still going strong over here. Our lapbooks are almost done; I’ll be posting on those soon. In the mean time, you know I couldn’t let a theme week go by without doing a muffin tin snack and a themed bath. We haven’t been doing too many of those lately, and the ones we’ve done have been less than fantastic.

Anywho, here is what I came up with for our butterfly theme muffin tin snack:
Butterfly Muffin Tin Snack from Suzy Homeschooler
I tried to base it off The Very Hungry Caterpillar but we didn’t have all the foods on hand mentioned in the book.
Here are some better Very Hungry Caterpillar muffin tins for your inspiration:
from The Masked Mommy
from Eclectic Musings
from Sugary Flower

And for our butterfly themed bath:
Butterfly Theme Bath from Suzy Homeschooler (1)
Note the paint by number was really more of a color match. LittleMan had been in a mood and I didn’t think he’d be keen on anything where he had to think about numbers, letters, etc..
Butterfly Theme Bath from Suzy Homeschooler (3)
I was going for a butterfly hunt, hiding silk butterflies in the green foil shred. I wish I had a small butterfly net or aquarium net for the kids to scoop up the butterflies, that would have been fun.
Butterfly Theme Bath from Suzy Homeschooler (2)

I had also seen on several sites the idea of wrapping the kids in toilet paper so they could pretend to be butterflies breaking out of a chrysalis but LittleMan wanted nothing to do with it.
Butterfly Theme Bath from Suzy Homeschooler (4)
He really was in just the oddest mood all day, doing all sorts of out of character, silly things…like pouring paint on himself.

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